Electricity Usage Information For 8th Line Property Guests

Electricity Usage Information For 8th Line Property Guests

We would like to bring to your attention ways that you may help as we transition into a colder and more energy-intensive period in Scotland and around the UK by lowering your energy consumption. Energy conservation will not only help prevent future blackouts but also protect the environment and enable 8th Line Property to maintain the lowest possible rates for our guests. We appreciate your cooperation and hope your visit with us makes you feel at home.

Easy Tips To Reduce Electricity Consumption When Staying With 8th Line Property

  • If the lights are not in use, kindly turn them off.
  • In the bathroom, think about lowering or turning off the heated towel rail and floor heating.
  • Please use the eco programme or set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees when washing full loads of dirty cloths.
  • Think about how long hot showers last.
  • Do not use the dryer; instead, hang dry your cloths.
  • Please use a lidded pot or kettle while bringing water to a boil. Never use a pot or skillet that is bigger than you need.
  • Kindly refrain from covering the radiator with clothing or other objects.
  • To get the most heating throughout the day, avoid putting curtains in front of the radiator.
  • Please check that the freezer and refrigerator are at the proper temperature. 5C is the ideal temperature for a refrigerator, whereas -18C is the ideal temperature for a freezer.
  • After using the TV, turn it off.
  • Please refrain from installing or using any interior or personal heaters, electric radiators, or other heat sources that utilise a lot of energy and increase power consumption.
  • When there is a lot of frost, please refrain from opening the windows and ventilate the space as soon as necessary.
  • Notify 8th Line Property if any repairs are required for leaking faucets, toilet furniture, or radiators.

Please be aware that 8th Line Property may impose additional fees for excessive usage of services, such as water, electricity and heating, if it is deemed to exceed typical household consumption as per the terms of service.

While it should be adjusted between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius, the property’s heat can naturally fluctuate depending on the outside weather. 18–20°C is the ideal temperature for bedrooms, and 20–21°C is advised for other spaces.

Can I Rent An Extra Radiator From 8th Line Property?

Please refrain from installing or using any interior or personal heaters, electric radiators, or other heat sources that consume a lot of energy and increase power consumption. Please email info@8thlineproperty.co.uk if you would like to rent additional radiators from 8th Line Property.

In Case Of A Power Outage

British Gas have informed us that if electricity use surpasses electricity production, we may have regulated, brief power outages. The temperature in residences won’t significantly drop over the few hours that the power outage may last. It could begin without warning or with early notice. If 8th Line Property is aware that this will occur, we will naturally notify each guest individually.

How To Prepare In Advance For Possible Electrical Power Cuts?

  • Verify that the guest’s contact information on file at 8th Line Property is accurate. How would one go about doing this?
  • Make that your fire alarm is functioning on a regular basis, and notify us right away if it isn’t.
  • Store some batteries and a torch that runs on batteries. If your phone still has power, you can also use the torch on your phone. Setting aside a travel charger or fully charged backup battery for phone charging is also a smart move.
  • Keep some drinking water on hand (such as in a large bottle or canister) and some non-heating food on hand.

What Should I Do In A Case Of A Power Outage?

  • Kindly turn off any electrical appliances. Switching off the stove, iron, coffee maker and washing machine is very crucial. In this manner, when the electricity is restored, they won’t ignite a fire.
  • Please don’t open the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Use additional caution when using candles to avoid starting a fire.
  • If staying in a property that houses a lift, then do not use the lift, please. During an electrical power outage, lifts won’t operate. Press the alert button if you find yourself locked in a lift during a power outage. You can also contact for assistance using your mobile phone. Don’t worry, assistance will arrive as soon as possible.
  • When there is a power outage, stay out of the common areas and indoor parking structures for your own safety.
  • Kindly refrain from contacting the emergency number for non-urgent issues.
  • Refrain from showering or using water. In certain homes, flushing the toilet during a power outage might not be feasible. Water might not always be accessible right away after the electricity goes back on. The water may appear murky or discoloured when it begins to flow again. Let the water run until it’s clear.

We hope this information is helpful to you. Please be aware that 8th Line Property is not responsible for any potential losses or expenses brought on by power interruptions.